The Most Holy Eucharist - Holy Communion
All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread and wine.
CHALICE/CUP: A sacred vessel for consecration of wine
CIBORIUM: A sacred vessel for consecration and distribution of consecrated hosts of the Eucharist
COMMUNICATE: To receive and consume the Eucharist
CREDENCE TABLE: The small table to left of the servers for holding the vessels of the Eucharist when they are not in use at the altar
PURIFICATOR: A cloth used to clean the chalice and cups after the celebration of the Eucharist
SANCTUARY: The holiest part of a sacred place, as the part of a Christian church around the altar.
- Come dressed appropriately – dress pants & shirt, modest dress or blouse and slacks.
- Come into the sanctuary immediately after the ‘Sign of Peace’ is exchanged.
Go to the credence table, sanitize your hands, and wait at the side of the altar. - Eucharistic Ministers should receive under both forms of the Eucharist, if possible.
- Father will give you the ciboria and cups and purificators for distribution of the Holy Eucharist after all Eucharistic Ministers and servers have communicated. Ministers of the chalice may need to distribute to other Minister and servers. Remember, your reverence for what you carry can be seen and felt by all.
- After receiving, go to the congregation with Father for the distribution of the Holy Eucharist. Ministers with the cup should stand far enough to the side so as to not interfere with the lines or movement of the recipients.
- The proper and only permissible form for distributing Holy Communion is to offer the consecrated bread by saying, “The Body of Christ” and to offer the consecrated wine by saying, “The Blood of Christ.”
No other words or names should be used or added; and the formula should not be edited in any way.
By your eyes, smile, and gentle serving of bread and cup, you tell everyone that this is a very special event.
- If the Eucharistic bread or some particle of it falls, it should be picked up reverently by the minister.
The consecrated bread may be consumed by the minister or given to the celebrant for consumption.
If the consecrated wine is spilled from the cup, the area should be covered with a purificator and the minister should get another purificator. Inform the priest or deacon so the area can be cleaned after mass. - After distribution, return to the altar and place the ciboria and cups on the altar. If any consecrated wine is left, consume it first. (Father will purify the vessels before having the servers place them on the credence table.) Sanitize your hands at the credence table, bow to the altar, and return to your pew.
- Eucharistic Ministers are responsible for getting a substitute if unable to make your assigned time.
Please do not ask the secretary to find a substitute, but please do notify the secretary of the change, once confirmed (so that the bulletin can be updated).
CHALICE/CUP: A sacred vessel for consecration of wine
CIBORIUM: A sacred vessel for consecration and distribution of consecrated hosts of the Eucharist
COMMUNICATE: To receive and consume the Eucharist
CREDENCE TABLE: The small table to left of the servers for holding the vessels of the Eucharist when they are not in use at the altar
PURIFICATOR: A cloth used to clean the chalice and cups after the celebration of the Eucharist
SANCTUARY: The holiest part of a sacred place, as the part of a Christian church around the altar.